The Press is addicted to government money. It’s like crack cocaine to them. Our idiot PM gave them tax credits, grants, C18, and a C11 fund, but it’s not enough. Now they want a minimum share of government ad spending. Enough already. The Press needs to figure out how to produce content people will pay for instead of producing an endless stream of filler about which celebrity is getting divorced or what stupid dance Trudeau performed.

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At least we know the government is buying coverage. Who else is? And not the old fashioned way via ads.

To explain: I was a loyal print media consumer until last year. Daily paper delivery. I got fed up with agitprop in the Edmonton Journal so thought maybe the Sun’s conservative slant would be better (though they are essentially the same paper). Got the Sun instead for a year until the day they reported Laverne Waskahat’s latest arrest and called him a woman. I did not give up! I wrote a polite letter to the editor correcting them, which they did not print.

I gave up. I don’t ask for much. Don’t lie about important facts. Don’t refuse to admit you have lied. That is my whole list of demands.

That they can’t meet it makes me think that they are getting considerable funding under the table not to.

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I'm so diappointed in Lilley (Toronto Sun) and Postmedia. They, of all Canadian newspapers, should know better.

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