Fae Johnstone never misses an opportunity for self-promotion and attention seeking. Yikes.

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Fae Johnstone, to use an archaic expression, gives me the creeps. I always trust the creeps.

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Trust your intuition.

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I'm waiting for Corus to announce it will shutdown Global unless it gets a government bailout. Global is a financial mess. It has lost over $120M each of the last 2 years and its revenue is more than $80M below what it pays to acquire and produce content. Corus's specialty channels have been subsidizing Global, but with the loss of WarnerDiscovery content to Rogers that can't continue. So it's either a bailout or say goodbye to Global.

Also, what is this obsession with local news? Most local news is about the weather, traffic and what local events are happening. Very little is about holding local governments accountable. This is especially true for news on radio. Radio doesn't break important stories, it just repeats what comes across the newswire.

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I didn’t realize Elle still existed.

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How can you pave a route through a ceiling?

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" ... still regulated and a trusted source of news and information in a quagmire of fake news, misinformation and open social media borders ..." Is Evanov kidding? If it were trusted, it wouldn't need financial support from government. He's trying to make a moral case for theft by taxes.

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I subscribe but I can't vote.

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I’ll look into that. First time I tried a poll. Sorry

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Not a big deal. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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Althia is amazing!

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As always, Sir ..... well done.

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