Thank for keeping us aware of the chicanery in this age of narcissism & pleonexia It is draining the public purse.

E.O. Wilson was right “A single psychopathic (& delusional) dictator can destroy an entire nation.”

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Thanks for the encouragement. I am hopeful that there will at least be a record.

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Isn't it simply a great means of big tech preventing reader sharing of counternarrative news, or studies that dispute hegemony. Funded state media continues. News sharing they don't like and heavily censored (as exposed in Twitter files) material has a shut down method.

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Funnier than the botched gotcha by Madani was his attempted smooth-move explanation for his posting of the gotcha. LOL. Nice try.

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"So much so that one wonders if it might just be cheaper to give them all government jobs." The MSM do have government jobs. It's why I stopped subscribing or reading/listneing to any of them. I do however subscribe to news outlets around the world and substacks of many sorts. I just don't want support Justin propaganda from those eating at his taxpayer-funded table.

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