May 3Liked by Peter Menzies

Overall, Peter, I very much like your piece. Watch our: here comes the "however."

However, you mention the entrenched girls and boys (I will call them "EGB") and how they are - a tad - unenthusiastic about any change. It seems to me highly likely that any substantive attempt at change or merely at even mild questioning would result in the EGB bring down torrents of hell and brimstone on whatever government dared approach such an action. I further think that the absolute opposition within the bureaucracy would be enormous.


In order to make such a move - and, I do believe it highly necessary - it will take a particularly fearless Prime Minister who has - and is willing to use mercilessly - a shiny new broadsword. It will further take a PM who makes it clear that the era of ministerial responsibility has returned and that that means that bureaucratic responsibility has also returned.

Given the incredible shape of this country today and given the absolute train wreck of an economy, military, health system, legal system, yada, yada, yada, which potential future PM is willing to provoke the chattering classes so?

I can only hope that our next PM is that person for all seasons, for all portfolios and is fearless - perhaps even somewhat foolish - but is someone who wants to do the RIGHT thing in all areas.

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Yes. Most Politicians are aware of this and particularly the power of the Quebec cultural lobby. I think it’s most likely the instructions to any future Heritage minister will be to just keep the peace. The problem is that the entire CRTC Cancon thing is a delusion. Its a lie everyone inside the system lives out

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May 1Liked by Peter Menzies

Great piece.

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May 16Liked by Peter Menzies

Those Montreal based power brokers run Canada for their benefit.

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They do

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Canada was literally created for their benefit, we are just captive to it.

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