Tired of paying for these nitwits' 'careers'. Let them eat Substack....or learn to code.

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These days, whenever I see an editorial like this one, I keep seeing the same picture in my mind – a couple of journalists dressed as medieval guards standing in front of a giant gate yelling at people that all information must go through the Press Gate, but everyone ignores them because the walls next to the gate have been blown to smithereens rendering the Press Gate useless.

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That anyone in the media would comment on the subsidies should be shocking, yet it isn’t. This is a clear conflict of interest. It’s sad to watch the legacy media collapse in real time in Canada.

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Interesting thoughtful interpretation. I also ask whether you have analyzed the media’s seeming willingness to ignore or go soft on the misrepresents by the CPC and Pierre Poillievre’s regular serving of lies, and avoidance to present a platform. It is worthwhile, and necessary to be alert over the Liberal government’s funding of and influence about what is and equally isn’t critical of, or covered by the media. My anecdotal impression is there have been more free rides given to Poillievre, than omissions or commissions about the media's financial support.

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Perhaps that’s because Pierre HAS presented plenty of information about his “platform” even though he may not have verbalized it as a list in 1, 2, 3…150 form. Three of the planks of Pierre’s platform have already been surreptitiously swiped and twisted into loosely-goosey Liberal messes. Why is it you people insist Pierre must spell out his platform in detail when an election has not been called? Espionage? Plaigerism? Trudeau is re-cycling the same unkept promises he made in 2015, 2019, and 2021, but you people are content to call that a platform.

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Funny Richard Harvey should say that Pierre is either lying to us and knows it or he’s totally incompetent, while many have been saying those sentiments about cuddly trudeau since before he was crown leader of The LIBERALs. We conservatives really avoid saying to our children i told you “ so”

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Way Togo Peter

, both of you for the thoughtful conciderations

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Lived in Niagara all my life (70 years). First time I’ve heard of Niagara Now and some hack named Richard Wright.

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It's not a failure to confirm, you've been told it's being defunded....As a journalist you should be able to understand that, no?

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