May 21Liked by Peter Menzies

Unfortunately too much of the media is pushing an ideological agenda (generally leftist, 'woke') instead of trying to give fact-filled unbiased, impartial news and letting the consumer decide upon which side to agree with or not.

It causes people to distrust the news media.

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May 21Liked by Peter Menzies

The CBC reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. It believes it is essential, authorative, and a cultural trend setter, but when you pull back the curtains you see that it is a feeble old man with delusions of grandeur.

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May 21Liked by Peter Menzies

I read your latest and I thought to myself, Laurentia, of which the CBC is the prime exemplar, is the gift that keeps on giving, Kind of like global warming. Squirrels mating early? Global warming. Government attacking the Royal Family? Laurentian derangement syndrome (LDS). It should grant you a productive next 10 years. No lack of topics, examples or articles that just write themselves.

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It’s always 1867 in Laurentia!

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So sick of the finger wagging of CBC. It’s ripping Canada apart. CBC must eschew woke ideology and return to some semblance of reason.

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May 21·edited May 21

Hmmmm ......

I am trying to decide whether you are correct or are speaking about what HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. What I am getting at is a question to which I think I have concluded: has Canada been ripped apart? It does seem to me that Laurentia et al have been doing their best (and quite successfully although they do not recognize it) to alienate me and so many of my fellow Western Canadians from the whole concept of Confederation.

My point is that I am alienated as are many of my fellow citizens. Does that mean that Canada has already fallen apart so that we can start picking up the pieces? That seems to me to be the case.

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Hmm. Guess you're pretty scared of Nenshi challenging conservative power.

Children are called monkeys for their playfulness, but their mischief also annoys, like when they throw poop at each other. Sounds like QP to me.

But go ahead and spew your paranoid, "anti-woke" agenda. Hilarious reflection of prairie Cons, among whom I grew up.

Laurentia? Yikes.

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