Apr 23Liked by Peter Menzies

Excellent article Peter. As Thomas Jefferson said "the government you elect is the government you deserve". Thankfully I had nothing to do with Trudeau's ascension to the throne.

Having worked in the US, UK and LATAM, I always felt that Canadians reputation as being "so nice" was false and overrated. I found Americans much more honest and forthright to deal with in business, and The Family Compact (Laurentian Elite) are busy running Canada for their own gain. As a result, we are a nation of now 40 million sitting on a treasure trove of resources that the world wants, and we are destroying the legacy that our ancestors built, fought and died for. We have not held the torch high.

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Apr 24Liked by Peter Menzies

Truly sad but entirely accurate.

And, please don't forget that upon passage of The Online Harms Act you will likely be subject to accusations of spreading hatred and will therefore potentially be subject to life in prison - all without a criminal trial and because of anonymous accusations, for which accusers (anonymous, of course) will be able to collect money from you because of your "crime." [How does an "anonymous" accuser collect money and still maintain anonymity? You can be sure that the government will figure that out.]

So, no, we are not about to become a Seinfeld country because we will be a country about hatred.

Wretched damned place!

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