Sitemap - 2024 - The Rewrite

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Lack of justification for loose “far-right" labeling will continue to destroy public trust in journalism

Liberal taunting of journo was bad; the fact her industry didn’t fight back could be Canada’s dirty little secret

Elle Canada ignites a Hamas/trans controversy, pours gas on the blaze and runs away

The numbers are in and CBC’s The National clearly prefers USA over Canada when it comes to political conventions

CBC draws flak for fuelling Kamala fever while Charles Adler’s appointment gets, um, mixed reviews

Team Trudeau, journalists join forces to amplify fears Pierre Poilievre will turn his back on government funding for media

Poilievre can merrily school journalists to the roar of the crowd because media just don’t matter like they used to

CBC reporters need to start paying attention to their own ombudsman’s advice or get fed to the online wolves

Now, even those who lobbied for the disastrous Online News Act are conceding that maybe it wasn't the best idea

Broadcasting reform in Canada is going as expected – which is to say, badly

News industry's ethics are increasingly flexible and, in the Trudeau era, no longer recognizable

Doug Ford joins Justin Trudeau as a media sugar daddy - and he'll be keeping an eye out for noncompliant behaviour

Dewey, Gore and Trudeau’s candidate all turned out to be losers who spared no media blushes

There’s certainly a far right to fear, but why won’t mainstream media apply equal vigilance to the far left?

Google assigns the role of second fiddle to major media barons who lobbied for Trudeau's failed Online News Act

Trudeau government’s campaign of disinformation now as plain as the nose on Pinocchio's face

Sit up and beg: most media now focused on asking politicians and their appointees for petting and treats

Justin Trudeau has put the burden of his failure onto the backs of Canada's media - and made them more dependent upon him than ever

Spotify, Netflix doing the math as to whether it makes sense to continue doing business in Canada

Shockingly irresponsible reporting on residential school cemeteries will drive the nation’s news industry into oblivion

As predicted, the Online Streaming Act is unfolding as another disaster, bringing an era of creative prosperity to a close

News too tough to print: Trudeau fuddle duddles about Facebook while an industry burns

Hey there online newshounds, the CRTC is gonna be patrolling your turf

The Liberals' CBC panel looks an awful lot like an exercise in Laurentian self-criticism - plus a little bit of monkey business in Alberta

No one expected an Online Inquisition - but everyone needs to brace for impact

When it comes to fearlessly challenging orthodoxies, Canada’s journos pale in comparison with their foreign peers

It's time the CBC and others got serious about insisting journos zip it with online opinions

Ottawa vote-farmers have destroyed hope the country’s culture can ever flourish; the system has failed and we need to start over

If journalism can't aspire to report news without fear or favour, it will - and should - die

There's no going back: the nation your grandfathers fought and died for is gone

CBC sticks to its role as an ally while questions are raised about whether Canada's news industry has the guts to do its job

Our news industry is lobbying for the death of its own freedom

Our news industry is lobbying for the death of its own freedom

Deal with it media: there's no hiding news from the public if you want to survive

The ugly, the bad, the good